Not so long ago I was watching Julie and Julia and it gave me an idea. In the movie she writes a blog about her journey as she cooked her way through Julia Child’s book. I then decided that I was going to write a blog about my own journey as I started training for the Disney’s Half Marathon. Needless to say I cannot stick to a single topic, so that’s when I realized we all have different stories happening at the same time. Over the years, while exploring different options and different countries it has been made clear that I never fit into a traditional path, I make things more interesting (and complicated!) and fun.
I initially called this post introduction because there are a few things you need to know before you can understand my opinions, experiences and postings on this website. I grew up in Venezuela and have been living in Miami since 2007. I also grew up with a very strong Spanish influence because of my grandmother, and I will be moving there next year. I live alone and although that’s very common here, most of my friends from home still live with their parents, and it also looks completely normal to me. There is a mix of traditions, culture and influences that make my life pretty unique.
Part of this living alone experience includes learning how to cook, which is a skill, even a form of art that I definitely haven’t mastered yet. In a few weeks I will make my first attempt at cooking Thanksgiving’s dinner, I’ll let you know how it goes ;) What I was trying to get to when started writing this, is that I will write about running, cooking, med school applications and any other thing that crosses my mind and that makes me have a strong opinion on it, symbolizing all of the separate journeys that a college student can go through in her senior year. Until then, I wish you the best and I hope you will find something interesting, controversial or just entertaining in my future blogs.
Yours truly,